This game and it's sequel, The Sith Lords, are two of the best RPGs in existence, let alone two of the best Star Wars games in existence. (Best) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republicand The Sith Lords Niche as the game may be, there's not only a community still playing the game online through Game Ranger and Hamachi, but it's also got modding support too, which you can find here. Getting to the good stuff will bore those who want an action-packed adventure, but the most patient gamers will find this game to be a treat. The amount of stuff you can do through just a few menus and a limited space battle simulator is astounding. Maybe even have the Empire finally becomes a benevolent peace force and favors diplomacy over suppression. Perhaps the Rebels turn to terror tactics and a firm grip equal to the Empire to win the war. Or maybe Luke discovers Han has a force sensitivity and trains him the in the ways of the Jedi.
Have Luke duel Palpatine first and leave Vader to rule the Empire? Sure. Once you have it under your control though, it's arguably the most sandbox-like Star Wars game in existence. Make no mistake, this game is obtuse and vague, requiring you to learn its systems on your own.
This is a fairly forgotten 4X strategy sim that Crusader Kings fans will enjoy.